Bible Hub. Online. Mobile app available. [Click here]
Abstract: This site contains the Bible text in several versions of English, Greek and Hebrew, and several modern languages. It is possible to display multiple languages in parallel versions. Contains search and study tools including parallel texts, cross references, Treasury of Scripture, and commentaries. This site provides quick access to topical studies, interlinears, sermons, Strong's and many more resources. The mission of Bible Hub is to 1) Increase the visibility and accessibility of the Scriptures online; 2) Provide free access to Bible study tools in many languages; and 3) Promote the Gospel of Christ through the learning, study and application of God's word. (Information from Note: website contains advertising.
Keywords: languages, study tools, online Bible

McGee, J. Vernon. Thru the Bible. TWR [Trans World Radio]. Audio, in multiple languages. [Click here and choose <Languages> from the menu in the upper right corner]
Abstract: Thru the Bible is a five-year program designed to cover the entire Bible. It was developed by J. Vernon McGee, well-known pastor, Bible teacher, and radio personality. The English version is McGee himself, so the language and illustrations are somewhat dated, including the use of the KJV. The other languages, however, would have more up-to-date language and commentary. 
Keywords: Bible, devotional, study, languages

TWR [Trans World Radio]. Online, audio and video in multiple languages. [Click here]
Abstract: TWR360 is an online resource for Christian content – music, sermons, worship, Bible teaching, videos, and much more.  There is a wealth of material there for your spiritual enrichment.  But, it is also a tool available to you to use in sharing the Gospel with people who speak a heart language other than English.  The website offers a wealth of evangelical resources in 50+ languages.
Keywords: languages, devotionals, audio, Spanish, German, Arabic, Indonesian, Chinese, Japanese